Die Komplexität von Protein!

The complexity of protein!

Proteins are the basic building blocks of life and play a crucial role in numerous biological processes. From structuring cells to regulating enzymes and hormones, proteins influence various aspects of our health. But while they offer undeniable benefits, there are also considerations surrounding their consumption and effects on the body.

Protein : A look into functionality

Proteins are made up of amino acids, some of which can be produced by the body (non-essential amino acids), while others must be obtained through diet ( essential amino acids ). These building blocks support the body in a variety of tasks:

  • Muscle mass and recovery: Protein is crucial for muscle building and recovery after intense training.

  • Enzymes and Metabolism: Enzymes, which are made up of proteins, support chemical reactions in the body that are important for metabolism and energy production.

  • Immune functions: Certain proteins play a key role in fighting off infections and strengthening the immune system.

The positive effects of protein on health

  1. Muscle health and performance: Protein not only helps build muscle, but also supports muscle recovery, which is crucial for athletes and people who exercise regularly.

  2. Satiety and weight management: Protein-rich meals can increase satiety and reduce appetite, which is helpful in weight management.

  3. Metabolism and calorie expenditure: The body uses more energy to digest protein, which can increase calorie expenditure.

  4. Bone and tissue health: Proteins play a role in bone formation and support the health of skin, hair and nails.

The optimal amount of protein and source of protein

The recommended protein intake depends on various factors, including age, gender, activity level and health status. The recommended daily intake for most adults is between 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

However, if you are a strength athlete and you want to build muscle mass, then the following rule of thumb applies: 2g protein per kg of body weight - regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. For example, if you weigh 80kg, your daily protein requirement is 160g.

Proteins can come from a variety of sources:

  • Animal sources: meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

  • Plant sources: legumes, nuts, seeds, tofu and other soy products.

A balanced diet that includes a variety of protein sources provides the best benefits.

Protein challenges and aspects to consider

  1. Excessive consumption: Too much protein can have long-term effects on kidney function and bone health. It should be mentioned here that this applies to a high amount of over 400g per day.

  2. Processed Protein Products: Some protein-rich foods may contain extra calories, sodium and sugar.

  3. Individual needs: Individual protein needs may vary and should be determined based on personal circumstances.


Protein is undeniably an essential part of a healthy diet and plays a central role in numerous bodily functions. The keys to healthy protein consumption lie in the variety of sources, individual adaptation and conscious consideration of personal health aspects. A balanced diet rich in high-quality protein sources forms the basis for optimal health and performance. Before adjusting your diet or taking any supplements, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist or doctor to clarify individual needs and make the best possible decisions.

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