Ist mit veganer Ernährung Muskelaufbau möglich?

Is it possible to build muscle with a vegan diet?

Is it even possible to build muscle with a vegan diet?

At Athletic Supplements we in no way condemn those who consume animal products. A conscious handling of food is important to us and should be a priority.

What are the advantages of a vegan diet?

In the world of bodybuilding and fitness, animal products often have a reputation as indispensable sources of protein and nutrients for building muscle. But in recent years there has been a movement towards vegan diets, and more and more athletes are proving that a plant-based diet can also pave the way to impressive muscle gain. In this detailed blog article, we delve deep into the world of vegan muscle building, highlighting the protein question in particular and showing that vegan muscle building is not only possible, but can be extremely effective.

The protein question: Plant sources are convincing

One of the biggest concerns associated with vegan muscle building is protein intake. Animal products are traditionally high in protein, but plant sources can certainly keep up. There are a variety of plant-based protein sources that are ideal for building muscle:

Legumes: Beans, lentils and chickpeas are excellent sources of protein. They not only offer proteins, but also fiber and important minerals.

Tofu and Tempeh: These soy products are rich in protein and have many uses in the kitchen.

Nuts and seeds: Almonds, cashews, chia seeds and hemp seeds are rich in protein while providing healthy fats.

Whole grain products: Quinoa, oatmeal, and whole grain pasta contain not only proteins, but also complex carbohydrates for energy supply.

Plant-based meat substitutes: More and more plant-based meat substitutes such as Seitan or Beyond Meat offer high protein contents and are particularly suitable for people who want to make the transition to a vegan diet easier.

The quality of the protein is also important. In a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, plant-based protein sources such as legumes and nuts were found to be just as effective as animal proteins when it comes to increasing muscle protein synthesis after exercise.

A 2019 study published in the "Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition" examined the connection between a vegan diet and muscle mass. The results showed that vegans achieved comparable muscle mass and strength gains to mixed diet eaters when they consumed enough protein and calories. This supports the idea that vegan diets can provide enough nutrients for muscle building.

Combination is the key

Vegan bodybuilders and athletes achieve optimal results by combining different plant-based protein sources. This combination ensures that all essential amino acids are covered. For example, you can combine lentils with rice, chickpeas with quinoa, or tofu with vegetables to get a complete amino acid profile.

Proteins aren't everything

Although proteins are important, carbohydrates and fats are also crucial for building muscle. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for intense workouts, and healthy fats support hormonal balance and overall health.

Vegan supplements: A useful addition

Some vegans turn to supplements to ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need. This can be especially useful for things like EAAs (amino acids) , creatine , and plant-based protein to support muscle recovery and growth.

The science behind vegan muscle building

Scientific studies have shown that a well-planned vegan diet can be just as effective as a non-vegan diet when it comes to muscle growth and recovery. As long as the right amount of calories and nutrients are consumed, vegan muscle building is definitely possible.


Scientific research provides compelling evidence that building muscle on a vegan basis is not only possible, but extremely effective. These findings strengthen the position of vegans and plant-based athletes in the fitness world and refute the common prejudice that animal products are essential for building muscle.

The studies on plant-based protein intake have shown that vegans are able to obtain sufficient protein from plant-based sources. The quality of protein is crucial, and plant protein sources such as legumes and nuts can be just as effective as animal versions when it comes to muscle protein synthesis. These findings underscore the importance of diversity in vegan diets.

Research on muscle mass and vegan diets has proven that vegans can achieve comparable gains in muscle mass and strength, provided they get adequate protein and calories. The studies show that it is not about replacing animal products, but rather choosing the right plant-based foods and planning them carefully.

Additionally, research into dietary supplements has shown that products such as creatine can be effective in increasing muscle mass and strength in vegans.

Despite these promising findings, thorough nutritional planning is crucial. Vegans need to ensure that they get all the necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates and fats, from various plant sources. The assistance of a nutritionist can help develop a balanced diet plan.

In summary, the scientific studies send a clear message: vegan muscle building is not only possible, but also extremely effective. With the right approach and necessary planning, plant-based athletes can make impressive gains in muscle building. These findings not only encourage those who are already vegan, but also open the door for those interested in adopting a plant-based diet while achieving their fitness goals. The path to vegan muscle building is paved with scientific support and the right approach.

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