Last minute Trainingsplan für einen Summerbody

Last minute training plan for a summer body

Summer is just around the corner and you want to get fit in a short amount of time to look good on the beach? A last-minute beach body is certainly achievable, but requires a focused and intensive approach. This training plan combines strength training , endurance exercises and a healthy diet to achieve maximum results in a short time. But before you start, it is important to understand that in addition to training, the right mental attitude and balanced recovery also play a crucial role.

The idea of ​​a beach body varies from person to person, but in general it is about feeling good in your body and looking fit. This requires reducing body fat and building muscle mass. Such a state can be achieved through a combination of targeted strength training, which promotes muscle building, and endurance training, which supports fat burning. Nutrition also plays a central role. It provides the necessary energy for intensive training sessions and supports the body in regeneration and muscle building.

Our four-week plan is designed to prepare you for your summer vacation. It includes three weekly strength training sessions that cover all major muscle groups, as well as three endurance sessions that are supplemented by high-intensity interval training (HIIT) . HIIT is particularly effective because it maximizes the afterburn effect and thus burns calories even after training. One day a week is dedicated to recovery to give your body the necessary regeneration and prevent injuries.

In addition to training, a protein-rich and balanced diet is essential. It ensures that your muscles are supplied with the necessary nutrients and that you have the energy to handle the intense workouts. Remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and support your metabolism.

This training plan is intense and requires perseverance and discipline . But the reward is worth it: a fit and toned body that is ready for summer. Always listen to your body and adjust the intensity of your training if necessary to avoid overloading. With the right attitude and this comprehensive plan, you will see remarkable progress in no time and be able to enjoy the beach season with confidence.

Now it’s time to get going and get your beach body!


training plan for your beach body

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - strength training (full body workout)

warm-up (10 minutes)

  • rope skipping or light jogging

    strength training (3 sets per exercise, 12-15 repetitions)
  • squats
  • push-ups
  • lunges
  • pull-ups (if not possible, lat pull-down)
  • shoulder presses with dumbbells
  • bicep curls
  • tricep dips

    core workout
    • Plank (3 sets of 1 minute each)
    • Russian Twists (3 sets of 20 repetitions)
    • leg raises (3 sets of 15 repetitions)

      Cool Down (10 minutes)
  • Stretching, focusing on the stressed muscle groups

    Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - endurance training and HIIT

    warm-up (10 minutes)

    • Light jogging or cycling

      HIIT training (20 minutes)
    • 1 minute sprint, 1 minute walk (repeat until 20 minutes are reached)

      endurance training (20-30 minutes)
    • Brisk walking, light jogging or cycling

      core workout
    • Bicycle Crunches (3 sets of 20 repetitions)
    • Mountain Climbers (3 sets of 30 seconds each)
    • Flutter Kicks (3 sets of 30 seconds each)

      Cool Down (10 minutes)
    • Stretching, focusing on the stressed muscle groups

      Sunday - relaxation

      • Active relaxation such as light yoga or walking
      • Focus on flexibility and stretching

      Nutrition tips tailored to your training plan

      1. Eat protein-rich foods : Focus on lean proteins like chicken, fish, tofu and beans.
      2. Lots of vegetables and fruit : Fiber-rich foods promote digestion and are filling.
      3. Healthy fats : Consume nuts, seeds, avocado and olive oil in moderation.
      4. Complex carbohydrates : Use quinoa, brown rice and whole grains as energy sources.
      5. Drink enough water : at least 2-3 liters per day.

      Additional tips

      • Sleep : Make sure you get enough sleep (7-8 hours per night) as recovery is important for muscle building.
      • Consistency : Stick to the plan and stay motivated.
      • Adjust intensity : If necessary, reduce the intensity or number of repetitions to avoid overloading.

      Good luck on your journey to a beach body! Remember that lasting changes take time and it is important to listen to your body and avoid overexertion.

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