Rudern im Gym: Ganzheitliches Training für Kraft und Ausdauer

Rowing in the Gym: Holistic Training for Strength and Endurance

Rowing in the gym is an extremely effective form of training that combines both strength and endurance aspects and targets the entire body. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, rowing is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their fitness while building muscle strength and stamina.

Which muscle groups are addressed?

Rowing trains numerous muscle groups simultaneously. It is considered one of the best exercises for challenging the body holistically:

  • Back muscles : The upper back, trapezius muscle and latissimus dorsi muscles are particularly stressed.
  • Shoulders and arms : Biceps, triceps and shoulders work intensively.
  • Core muscles : Abdominal muscles and lower back stabilize the body during the rowing movement.
  • Legs : Quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes are especially challenged during the leg kick.

Because of the comprehensive activation of these muscle groups, rowing is often considered a full-body workout , making it ideal for muscle building and definition.

Rowing: Endurance or strength sport?

Rowing can be classified as both endurance and strength training . It depends on how the training is structured:

  • Endurance : Rowing at a moderate intensity for a long period of time (e.g. 20-30 minutes) will improve your cardiovascular fitness and burn calories.
  • Strength : If you work with higher intensity and shorter intervals, you place more emphasis on muscle strength and explosiveness. The focus here is on improving strength endurance.

    Man rowing in the gym

Warm-up or standalone unit?

Depending on your training goal, rowing can be used as a warm-up or as a standalone workout:

  • As a warm-up : With light to medium resistance and a duration of 5-10 minutes, rowing is a great way to warm up. It gets your circulation going and activates the most important muscle groups without overloading them.
  • Standalone session : You can also do rowing as a complete workout, especially if you incorporate intervals or longer sessions of high resistance. This will give you an intense mix of strength and endurance training.

Who should row?

Rowing is suitable for a wide target group:

  • Beginners : Thanks to the controllable intensity, rowing is easy to learn and is gentle on the joints.
  • Advanced : Athletes who are looking for a challenging workout can specifically increase their performance by varying the intensity and intervals.
  • Rehabilitation : Due to the smooth and flowing movements, rowing is also suitable for people who need to protect their joints or back.

Can rowing build up the body holistically and get it in shape?

Yes, rowing is one of the most effective forms of exercise for shaping and building the body as a whole. It not only trains specific muscle groups, but also works on various areas of fitness such as endurance, strength and posture at the same time.

1. Muscle building and definition: Rowing is a classic full-body workout that uses almost all of the important muscle groups. The legs (quadriceps and back of the thighs), the back (especially the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles), the shoulders and the stomach are particularly heavily involved. This comprehensive workout leads to balanced muscle development and promotes definition without placing excessive strain on individual muscle groups. Since rowing increases both explosive power and strength endurance, it is ideal for building strength and muscle tone at the same time.

2. Improve endurance and cardiovascular fitness: Rowing is also an effective cardiovascular workout. The even load on the entire body and the constant flow of movement put a lot of strain on the cardiovascular system. It improves cardiovascular fitness and promotes oxygen uptake by the muscles, which increases performance in sports and everyday life!

3. Holistic body fat management: In addition to building muscle, rowing is also extremely efficient for fat burning . Research shows that moderate to intense rowing can burn between 400 and 800 calories in an hour, making rowing an excellent choice for people who want to reduce body fat and reveal their muscles.

4. Improve posture and stability: Rowing particularly strengthens the back and core muscles . A well-developed core stability helps to support an upright posture and prevents back problems. The constant activation of the core during rowing promotes better balance and body control , which are beneficial both in everyday life and in other sporting activities.

5. Gentle on the joints and versatile: Compared to other full-body workouts such as running or weight lifting, rowing is gentle on the joints because the movement is fluid and without abrupt impact. This makes it ideal for people with joint problems or those looking for an effective but gentle workout after an injury!


Rowing in the gym is an extremely versatile workout that is perfect for both muscle building and endurance. It can be done as a warm-up or as a stand-alone workout and is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to get their body in shape holistically.

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