Supplements für Radfahrer!

Supplements for cyclists!

Which nutritional supplements and sports nutrition are really suitable for cyclists!

For cyclists, finding optimal performance and recovery is a constant challenge. In addition to effective training and a balanced diet, nutritional supplements can make a significant contribution to achieving goals and increasing performance levels. In this article, we delve deeper into the world of nutritional supplements, specifically Athletic Supplements products designed specifically for cyclists.

Magnesium capsules the basic supplement:

Magnesium is a crucial mineral for the body, involved in a variety of metabolic processes, particularly muscle contraction and relaxation. Cyclists who subject themselves to intense workouts or long rides can quickly develop a magnesium deficiency, which can lead to muscle cramps and reduced performance. Athletic Supplements Magnesium Capsules offer a high-dose formula (400mg) that ensures optimal absorption. They contain magnesium in the form of magnesium citrate & gluconate, a highly bioavailable and easily digestible format. It should ideally be taken before training to support muscle function and prevent muscle cramps. In addition, taking it before bed can help promote overnight recovery and improve muscle recovery. Take one capsule a day regularly for best results!

Benefits of magnesium capsules:

  • Support of muscle contraction and relaxation

  • prevention of muscle cramps

  • Accelerating recovery after intensive training sessions

  • Improve sleep quality and regeneration overnight

Magnesium capsules from Athletic Supplements

    Creatine in endurance sports:

    Creatine is a natural substance found in our bodies that plays a key role in muscle energy metabolism. It helps to regenerate ATP stores more quickly, which in turn improves muscular performance and endurance. Athletic Supplements' creatine products are of the highest quality and contain pure creatine monohydrate, which is easily digestible and quickly absorbed by the body. Creatine should generally be taken as part of a so-called loading phase, in which a higher dosage is used over a period of about a week to quickly maximize muscle stores. A maintenance dose can then be taken to maintain performance. Take 5g of creatine daily. You can either stir the creatine into water or juice, or add it directly to your protein shake.

    Benefits of Creatine:

    • Increase in muscular performance and endurance

    • Acceleration of regeneration between training sessions

    • increase in muscle mass and strength

    • improving explosive performance

      Creatine from Athletic Supplements

    Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) in Cycling:

    Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and play a crucial role in muscle building and recovery. Essential amino acids (EAAs) are especially important because the body cannot produce them on its own, so they must be obtained through diet or supplements. Athletic Supplements' EAAs provide a complete blend of all nine essential amino acids in optimal ratios to maximize muscle protein synthesis and speed recovery. Taking EAAs is especially beneficial before or after exercise to promote muscle recovery and prevent muscle breakdown.

    Advantages of EAAs:

    • Maximizing muscle protein synthesis

    • Acceleration of muscle regeneration after training

    • Prevention of muscle loss during intense exercise

    • improving training performance and endurance

      EAAs in Mango flavor

    Isotonic drinks are essential for cyclists:

    During long bike rides or intense training sessions, it is important to provide the body with adequate fluids and electrolytes to maintain optimal performance. Isotonic drinks are an ideal choice as they ensure rapid absorption of fluid, electrolytes and carbohydrates. Athletic Supplements' isotonic products are specially formulated to meet the fluid and nutritional needs of cyclists during exercise. They contain a balanced mix of carbohydrates, electrolytes and vitamins to improve endurance and delay fatigue. Isotonic drinks should be consumed during exercise to compensate for fluid loss and maintain performance.

    Benefits of isotonic drinks:

    • Fast and effective fluid intake during training

    • Compensation of electrolyte losses and prevention of dehydration

    • Provision of quickly available carbohydrates for energy supply

    • Improve endurance and performance during long rides or competitions

      Isotonic drink powder in apple flavor

    Citrulline: The underrated supplement for cyclists

    While magnesium, creatine, EAAs and isotonic drinks often take center stage when it comes to cyclist supplementation, citrulline is another important supplement that is often overlooked but can still provide significant benefits.

    Citrulline: The natural performance enhancer

    Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid found in foods such as watermelon and other fruits. It plays an important role in the body's urea cycle and can help remove ammonia from the body that is produced during intense physical activity. In addition, citrulline can increase nitric oxide production in the body.

    Benefits of citrulline for cyclists:

    • Improved blood flow: Citrulline can increase the production of nitric oxide, which leads to better blood flow to the muscles. This is especially important during intense training sessions or competitions to supply the muscles with sufficient oxygen and nutrients.
    • Reducing fatigue: By slowing the breakdown of ammonia in the body, citrulline may help delay fatigue during exercise and improve endurance. Cyclists may benefit from increased resistance to fatigue, allowing them to ride longer distances with more intensity.
    • Support recovery: By improving blood flow and reducing muscle fatigue, citrulline can also reduce recovery time after exercise. This allows cyclists to recover more quickly from intense training sessions or competitions and prepare for the next workout.
    • Increase exercise performance: The combination of these effects allows citrulline to improve overall cycling performance, allowing cyclists to reach their goals faster and take their performance to the next level.

    Citrulline Dosage Recommendations: The optimal dosage and time of taking citrulline can vary depending on individual needs and training goals. Typically, it is recommended to take citrulline about 30-60 minutes before training to reap the full benefits during training. Dosage can also vary, but typically it is between 6 and 8 grams per day.

    Citrulline from Athletic Supplements for more performance

    Overall, Athletic Supplements products provide comprehensive support for cyclists on their journey to peak performance. By using high-quality ingredients and targeted formulation, cyclists can increase their performance, improve recovery, and promote their overall well-being. The correct use and dosage of these supplements can make a significant difference and help achieve individual cycling goals.

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