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What is sore muscles and what helps against it!

Muscle soreness is a challenge that everyone who is physically active faces. A condition considered by many to be inevitable and sometimes seen as an indicator of hard training . But what is sore muscles really? Why does it occur and how can we deal with it?

This comprehensive guide explores the world of muscle soreness, from its causes to proven strategies for relief and prevention. We'll explore the science behind muscle soreness, whether you should exercise despite muscle soreness , and how to deal with this phenomenon long-term.

Muscle soreness can be the result of intense exercise or unfamiliar movements , but its effects are individual. We'll explore the different methods for relieving muscle soreness and how smart training and recovery can help minimize the discomfort.

What is muscle soreness?

Muscle soreness, also known as Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) , is a painful sensation that typically occurs 24 to 72 hours after an unfamiliar or intense workout. This is a feeling of a certain hardness or stiffness in the affected muscles. While many people view muscle soreness as a result of lactic acid buildup , it has been found that the connection between lactic acid and muscle soreness is not as strong as previously thought.

What causes muscle soreness?

Muscles can become overloaded during different activities or training that they are not used to. This leads to tiny microscopic tears in the muscle fibers and an inflammatory response to repair them. The body responds to these micro-injuries with mild inflammation , causing swelling, tenderness and pain. In addition, the buildup of metabolic products and increased stress on the connective tissue can play a role.

Muscle soreness in the leg

What helps against sore muscles?

1. Rest and rest:

The rest period is crucial to give the muscles time to repair . Training should be reduced or the affected muscle groups should be spared in the following training session.

2. Warm up and stretching:

A proper warm-up before exercise and stretching afterward can increase flexibility and reduce the risk of muscle soreness.

3. Hydration and Nutrition:

Adequate hydration is important to support the body, while a balanced diet with sufficient protein and nutrients supports muscle recovery.

4. Massage and active recovery:

Gentle massages, bubble baths, yoga or light swimming can promote blood circulation and help relax muscles.

5. Pain Relief:

Applying heat or cold, anti-inflammatory creams or painkillers can relieve the discomfort.

Should you train despite sore muscles?

The decision to train despite muscle soreness is individual. Light exercise like walking or yoga can increase blood flow and aid healing, while intense exercise can worsen muscle soreness . Pay attention to your body and adjust your training accordingly.

Muscle soreness and training progress

Muscle soreness is not necessarily a sign of effective training or muscle growth. It is more of a reaction of the body to new stresses . Consistent and controlled training that includes a gradual increase in intensity leads to long-term progress.

Prevention of muscle soreness in the long term

Gradually increasing exercise intensity allows muscles to adapt and avoid muscle soreness. Consistency in training, sufficient rest periods and a balanced diet are crucial to minimizing muscle soreness in the long term.

Conclusion: Muscle soreness is part of the progress of your training

Muscle soreness is a natural part of the training process and occurs when muscles are exposed to unfamiliar stress . Understanding the causes and measures to relieve or prevent muscle soreness is crucial to optimizing training and preventing injury. Remember that muscle soreness is a temporary phenomenon that will subside over time as your body adapts to new stresses.

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