Wie schafft man es, weniger zu essen?

How do you manage to eat less?

Tips and foods for a healthy feeling of satiety!

Many people are looking for ways to reduce their calorie intake without feeling constantly hungry. The key is not only the quantity of food, but above all the quality. With the right foods, you can feel full faster, enjoy a high nutrient density and lose weight in the long term without feeling restricted.

Foods for a faster feeling of satiety with fewer calories

There are certain foods that keep you fuller for longer because they have a high volume effect but provide few calories. They fill your stomach and signal to your brain that you are full. Here are some examples:

  1. vegetables with high water content
    Vegetables such as cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and celery have a high water content, which fills the stomach volume without providing many calories. They are perfect as a snack or side dish.

  2. High-fiber foods
    Fiber slows down digestion and ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Good sources are whole grain products, oatmeal, chia seeds, flax seeds, legumes and berries.

  3. Protein-rich foods
    Proteins are particularly filling because they stay in the stomach longer and keep blood sugar levels stable. Lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, tofu and legumes are excellent options.

foods with high nutrient density

Foods with a high nutrient density provide many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with relatively few calories. They support your body without you having to eat large quantities:

  1. leafy vegetables
    Spinach, kale, arugula and chard are rich in micronutrients such as vitamin C, K and folic acid. They have hardly any calories and can be used in salads, smoothies or stir-fries.

  2. Low-fat dairy products
    Yoghurt, quark and cottage cheese provide calcium and proteins with low energy density.

  3. Nuts and seeds (in moderation)
    Although they are high in calories, they contain healthy fats that increase satiety. A small portion of almonds or walnuts can help you avoid cravings.

Foods that help you lose weight and don't leave you hungry

Losing weight doesn't necessarily mean that you have to starve. With the right foods, you can be full and satisfied:

  1. soups and broths
    Warm liquids such as clear soups or vegetable broths fill the stomach and provide a quick feeling of satiety while containing few calories.

  2. legumes
    Beans, lentils and chickpeas are rich in protein and fiber. They keep you full for a long time and are a great base for healthy dishes.

  3. Fruit with high water content
    Apples, berries, melons and oranges are ideal snacks because they contain few calories but are filling due to their volume and fiber content.

  4. Lean meat and fish
    Chicken breast, turkey, tuna and salmon are excellent sources of protein that will fill you up while helping you lose fat.

More tips for eating less

In addition to food choices, there are other strategies that can help you reduce your calorie intake:

  1. Slow Eating
    Take your time when eating. You will only feel full after about 20 minutes. If you eat slowly, you give your body time to send the signal that you are full.

  2. Drink enough water
    We often confuse thirst with hunger. Drink a glass of water before every meal - this fills the stomach and helps control portions.

  3. Conscious portion control
    Use smaller plates to make the portion size appear larger.

  4. Avoid sugar
    Foods high in sugar lead to rapid fluctuations in blood sugar and cravings. Instead, focus on complex carbohydrates and proteins.


Eating less doesn't mean you have to go hungry. You can improve your diet sustainably by choosing foods that are nutrient-dense, low in calories and leave you feeling full. Vegetables, high-fiber foods and high-protein foods are your best friends. Combine these with conscious eating habits and you will eat less without feeling like you are missing out on anything.

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